You’ve been selected to make a difference


What is SkoolzRulez?

The SkoolzRulez campaign is a national effort encouraging parents and caregivers to become more engaged in school wellness activities and programs at the local level. 

Schools are already doing so much to help our students, but school wellness efforts are most successful when parents, caregivers, and the community work with the school to create a healthy and safe learning environment that all students deserve.

How can you get involved?

As an influential member of your community, we’re asking you to use your voice to share an important message about Safe Routes to School on your social channels to empower others to take a more active role in their kids school wellness.

Ready to get started?

Just follow the next 3 easy steps to start making a difference.

1. DOWNLOAD | SkoolzRulez puppet video is not only cute but it also has an important message. Check out the video below and click on the download link when you're ready.


2. PERSONALIZE | Write in your own words why Safe Routes to School is important to you. We provided some fun facts below that you can use.

  • Safe, active students are healthier and do better in school.

  • Students can get 3x as much physical activity walking to school than during their recess.

  • Studies have shown that kids who spend 20 minutes walking or biking to and from school perform better on tests and quizzes.

  • Safe routes to school programs can help address issues like lack of sidewalks or crosswalks, dangerous traffic speeds, and even bullying and violence concerns.

You can also use our pre-written post copy seen below.

“We can all do our part to make sure our students’ route to school is safe, every day! SkoolzRulez made it super easy to get involved and I was able to download transportation plans and find out when I can attend community meetings. Check out to see how you can be an advocate for safe routes to school in our community & check out this adorable video while you’re at it! #SkoolzRulez”


3. SHARE | Post the video and your personalized message on your social media pages. Please include the site URL and the hashtag #skoolzrulez, to make sure we get the word out there. It's that simple.


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